Why Men Get So Few Matches on Dating Apps

Why am I not getting any matches on tinder

This is probably the most common question we get. Guys are confused why they have so few matches. Sometimes they think they’re shadow banned or that its their ethnicity, but the reality is almost always that their photos suck. They may even think that they have pretty good photos, but if the matches are not coming in, they’re wrong!

I recently did a massive analysis where I looked at dozens of Tinder profiles on Reddit to see what exactly are the reasons for the lack of matches that men experience. The result was a series of very common mistakes that most profiles have. I’m going to share them with you in this article. By avoiding them you can be part of the small minority of men who are actually getting lots of matches

7 Reasons You Don’t Get Matches:

1). Lack of presentation— The majority of men were far from looking their best. I’m not talking about anything crazy, just good haircut, neat facial hair, and fashion. Just by doing these things you will be ahead of most guys on dating apps. Here’s some examples below. The first guy has very hairy arms, if he was to do a photo in a tank top he would need to shave them first. The second guy is wearing clothes that are WAY too loose on him

2). Bad facial expression— This was in every profile. Guys would either have their eyes closed or mouth half open or look overly serious in a playful photo (i.e, guy playing with a dog looking like he’s pissed off). The ideal facial expression is either: serious look, grin, or smile. Here are some examples:

3). Appearing unattractive in the photo— Ideally if you’re a 6 in terms of looks, you should look like a 7 or even 7.5 in your photos. However, pretty much every guy does the opposite. If they’re a 6, they look like a 3 or 4 in their photos. This is due to poor lighting, angles, and cropping. Examples below. First guys face is literally half covered by the camera  but the part you can see looks unattractive due to all the squinting. The second guy, just simply picked the worst possible angle to take a photo. No one looks good from this weird angle

4).Lack of sex appeal— A girl should look at your photos and think “wow, that’s a real man,” yet every profile had a “who’s this little boy” vibe. In addition to looking your best, you should also appear confident and even dominant in your photos. Unfortunately most guys do the opposite, as you can see below. First guy looks like a teenager who also a “nice guy”. The second guy looks like a slob in that pose

5).  Bad vibe/background —  Not only do you need to look good in the photo, but the vibe has to be at least neutral. Yet most guys are giving off a loner or creep vibe. This can be due to having only photos in your house or picking poor locations for a photo (i.e, a construction site where no one is present or side of a highway). Examples below. First guy looks like a creep with the weird lighting and oversized sunglasses indoors. Second guy looks like a school shooter whose hiding in his parents basement

6). Looking too posed— This was also extremely common. The general principle of a good photo is that you’re just doing some cool activity and one of your friends “randomly” took a photo of you. Instead, most of the photos I saw were guys posing for the camera which looks try hard and is a turnoff. Examples:

7). Lack of pro photos– The overwhelming majority of photos we analyzed were either selfies or taken by a friend with zero photography experience. Getting a photo shoot with a professional photographer (who knows what he’s doing) can be a game changer. Unfortunately, most pro photographers suck, but there are some good ones as well. All the photos above also serve as examples for this.



The online dating scene may appear intimidating, especially when you hear statistics like “90% of girls swipe on 10% of profiles.” However, now you know that the vast majority of profiles on tinder suck. Just by following the advice in this email and avoiding the 7 common mistakes, you can succeed on dating apps. Also, if you would like to have me personally evaluate your tinder profile, and give you detailed feedback, join our mastermind group. This is the fastest way to skyrocket your dating results.