4 Keys To A Happy Relationship
The Rules For A Happy Relationship
There is a lot of bad relationship advice out there. On one hand you have all the mind numbing blue pill advice that tells you to “just listen to her”. Then on the other hand you have a bunch of red pillers who previously got burned telling you to never open up to your girl.
There are even some guys who are very good at picking up girls, but can’t seem to maintain a relationship. In this guide, I’m going to share with you the raw truth. Some of it might be unflattering, but all of it is based on years of real experience.
Yes, I have been in a very happy relationship with a great girl for almost 5 years now. However, this was only possible due to all the previous relationships that I was able to learn and evolve from. If you’re interested in having a girlfriend or a wife, then pay attention
How to get into a relationship?
I’m going to show you the method I’ve used every time and I believe is superior to every other strategy. A lot of people think that if you’re looking for a relationship you should approach dating differently: don’t be sexual, wait until the 3rd date, etc
I believe the opposite. In the early stages don’t treat a “relationship girl” any differently than a chick you want to hook up with. The reason is simple. Sex is the ultimate form of investment for a girl. Thus, if you want to see this girl again then you should still try to fuck her on the first date. She will be much more likely to come back if you do
The real difference between a hookup and a girl you want something more with, happens AFTER sex. If i sleep with a girl who i think has relationship potential, then I will cuddle with her afterwards (maybe even have her sleep over), ask her deeper questions, walk her to her car, and set up a second date when we’re together
As you can see the strategy is quite simple. I will treat a girl I can see a relationship with no differently than a potential fuckbuddy. Afterwards, I will be more invested and show more interest. I will continue hanging out with her and see what develops naturally. This is exactly what I did with my current girlfriend to great success.
4 Keys to a successful relationship
1) Take your time – I see guys rushing relationships all the time and it’s such a shame. I recommend starting as fuckbuddies first and getting to know the girl over time before committing. This time period can vary, but should be at least a few months.
Personally, with my current girlfriend that period was 1.5 years. However, by the time we started dating I already knew almost everything about her. There is zero advantage to moving too fast and it increases the likelihood of you being in a relationship with someone who is toxic
Getting to know someone takes time. People can put on an act for a while, but not forever. So take your time and really get to know a girl before you get into a relationship with her. I mean, what do you gain by rushing?
2) Screen very carefully– This alone is at least 50% of it. A lot of girls (and guys) are just not well suited to be in a healthy relationship. Most likely because they have emotional trauma that causes them to engage in toxic behavior. This is why you want to take your time before commiting
Here are some of the big red flags that you should definitely watch out for
a) Having a victim mindset – if the girl is always playing victim, then the relationship will fail. People who have a victim mindset will never take accountability for how they behave and instead put their fuck ups on you or someone else. Instant deal breaker
b) Lying – if you catch your girl in a lie that is a big red flag. You do need to separate between “innocent lies”, like her saying she got stuck in traffic when she had diarrhea and “substantial lies”, like her saying she was at home when she was with another guy.
Lies can definitely vary in degrees of severity. That being said, if you’ve caught the girl in multiple substantial lies or one really big lie, it’s time to walk away. You want a girl who is very honest & transparent. No one is perfect, but some girls will be a lot more honest than others
c) Attempts at manipulation – If you catch the girl trying to gaslight you or use deception to get what she wants, then that’s an instant deal breaker. You can keep fucking her, but never date her.
d) Can’t maintain friendships for long – Casually ask the girl about her friends and how long she’s known them. If she’s always fighting with them and her oldest friendship is less then a few years then that’s a red flag.
Non toxic women will generally have at least one friend they’ve known for over a decade. I can say that my girlfriend has a friend she’s known since she was a kid. Same goes for myself. If you can’t maintain friendships, then you probably can’t maintain relationships either
e) Regular alcohol or drug use – There is nothing wrong with having a few casual drinks or smoking weed. However, if the girl is getting fucked up on a regular basis, then that is someone you shouldn’t date seriously. Hard drug or excessive alcohol use can turn otherwise decent people into monsters
f) Mistreating people – there are two sub categories here. First is mistreating people “lower” than her, like uber drivers or waiters. Second is mistreating people close to her, like family or friends. If she is willing to mistreat them, then she will probably mistreat you too
3) Let things develop naturally – This ties into the first point about taking your time. Don’t make the mistake of prematurely putting titles on your “relationship”. In fact, I recommend going one step further and avoid being the one that asks “what are we” or tries to make things official. Let the girl be the one to first initiate this
The reason is simple. You want the girl ideally to be more invested then you or at the very least be 50/50. If you are the one pushing to make her your girlfriend then you are going to be more invested. Sometimes, you can even scare the girl off by moving too fast.
There are clear disadvantages to moving fast, but absolutely no disadvantages to moving slow. In addition, you want that extra time to screen for red flags (which can take months to manifest), before committing to her.
4) Have clear boundaries – this is an absolute must. You need to know what your personal boundaries are and clearly, but very calmly communicate them to the girl. Some of these are going to be obvious, like her sleeping with another guy. However, there are also a lot of other ones that are not so obvious. For example, her posting bathing suit photos to IG or platonically salsa dancing with a guy
These are going to be somewhat personal. For example, I personally don’t care what my girlfriend posts to IG but would feel mildly uncomfortable with her dancing with a straight guy. Make sure your boundaries are not rooted in excessive jealousy or insecurity though.
This is the mistake red pillers commonly make. The reason Myron (popular red piller) says he wouldn’t let his girl go to the beach without him is because he is worried some other guy is gonna swoop her away. Your boundaries should instead be based on your personal feelings and common sense. If you create a bunch of unreasonable boundaries then be prepared for the girl to do the same
The other part of this is clearly communicating and if necessarily enforcing your boundaries. This is something that should be done tactfully and primarily as things start getting serious, not the first or second date. A good way to bring this up is to ask the girl
“hey wanted to ask are there some things you would feel uncomfortable with me doing”
She will then tell you her boundaries and then ask you about yours. A good way to frame this is “I would personally feel uncomfortable with x and y”. For me those things generally are cheating, lying, hiding things, and not having my back. But it can vary from person to person. The key is to clearly communicate your boundaries so there are no misunderstandings down the line
In terms of “enforcing your boundaries”, you really only have two tools at your disposal: verbally explaining how this or that hurt you and walking away from the relationship. Which one of these avenues you take should be based on how big the boundary violation was and whether there was malicious intent.
For example, as much as I love my girlfriend, if she were to sleep with another guy I would walk away from the relationship. However, let’s say she forgot to do something she was supposed to and then felt embarrassed so she made up an excuse. In that situation I would calmly explain how I don’t appreciate lying and have her promise not to do it again. Like i said, use common sense her
That being said, if a girl is repeatedly violating even a small boundary then you need to communicate to her that if she does it one more time, you’re willing to walk away. And be prepared to follow through on your promise
One last thing, this is a two way street. Make sure to respect the girl’s boundaries yourself. If one of them isn’t to your liking then tell her beforehand and look for a middle ground rather than just ignoring it. Guys often think “oh she will never know”, but eventually she almost always does.
Relationships can be difficult at times, but also amazing if done right. Personally, I have slept with hundreds of women and enjoy the novelty of banging a hot new girl. However, I wouldn’t trade my current relationship for all the pussy in the world.
I cover this topic much more extensively in my course (Ultimate Dating Blueprint 2.0), where I reveal all the other keys to a successful relationship and break down exactly how to set up a one way open relationship.
In addition, you will also get access to my exclusive mastermind group where you can get personalized advice. This can be very powerful, recently one of our members got married to the girl of his dreams