How To Text Girls Better (Beginner To Advanced Transformation)
In this guide, we are going to show you how a guy was able to massively improve his text game. How he was able to go from horrible texting that got him left on read to being able to get a girl over in 24 hours. Plus, all the screenshots from start to finish. This will show you what is possible and how a bad texter can become a good texter.
Also, you will see how to sexualize the convo, make the girl intrigued, and get invited to her place. Let’s start off with the “before” texts:

So this was his text game initially. He starts off with an opener that doesn’t make sense. His follow up reengagement text was pretty decent, but then, he gets her country wrong. This, in of itself, isn’t that big of a deal. But, it’s not good either. Let’s see what happens next.

She just hearts his message so he asks her a random question. The question about the emoji is also a bit cheesy. A better way to reframe that would be “I like your post shower emojis btw”. He then sends her another random text. There is no context at all, he’s just randomly switching topics. In that last text, he attempts to sexualize a little but it just comes off weird and she doesn’t respond. Now, let’s compare that to his current text game.

His opener is a lot better. This is called a “curiosity” opener and it has a very high response rate. His texting here flows a lot better and he seems much more confident. You can see the girl is a lot more receptive as well. He baits her into asking what are the things he likes the most in a woman and she goes right along with it.

The trick with these texts is that you want to say something that largely applies to the girl, so for example , if she was tall and didnt have an ass, you’d say “nice legs”. She qualifies herself, which is always good, he then changes the subject. She, like most girls, has had shitty experiences with guys. A trap a lot of guys would fall into here is to qualify themselves. He instead shows empathy and hints at a meetup.

She is very receptive. He then proceeds to send her a more sexual text. Personally, I’m not a big fan of the wording, but it undeniably works. She even double texts to ask if he wants to come over. As a side note, a lot of guys will ask “what do you do if you live with your parents”. The answer is something like this, you sexualize the conversation so that the girl knows you’re gonna hook up and that opens up a chance for you to go to her place.

Her level of interest is perfect. This would be called a “buying question”. Other examples include: do you have roommates? What time are you free? Do you have condoms? You get the point

This is also just logistics, but I want to show everything.

And then, he gets to her place and they hook up. As you can see, he massively improved his texting which allowed him to get this result and more like it.
If you want to transform your texting as well then check out our highly rated course (that he used). This will also get you access to our exclusive mastermind group where I spend hours every day helping every single person with all their questions.
If you want to transform your texting as well then check out our highly rated course (that he used). This will also get you access to our exclusive mastermind group where I spend hours every day helping every single person with all their questions.