How To Make A Girl Interested Over Text

In this article, we are going to show you what to do if you get a girl’s number but she is being a very dry texter and barely responding. Essentially, how do you make a girl more interested over text so you can ultimately get a date.

To illustrate this, we will be breaking down a text conversation from one of our mastermind members. Here is the backstory: he was at an art event and she was working there behind a booth. He went up to her, flirted for a minute or two, and got her phone number. However, when he texted her she was barely messaging him back. This is how he turned it around:

As you can see, she’s barely responding at first. His opener is good. The “you made an impression” builds a lot of curiosity because the girl starts thinking “oh, what about me made an impression.” At least that’s the desired response. Instead, she just casually thanks him, and doesn’t give him anything to work with.

He persists by sending her another curiosity invoking text. Finally, she bites and asks him what he noticed. He sends her what would be considered a truism. This means a statement that would apply to most people so you are likely to be correct. Pretty much every girl thinks she is classy, feminine, and strong.

Despite this, she flat out stops responding so he sends her a takeaway. For anyone not familiar with takeaways, i highly advice you to incorporate them into your text game. Lets face it, at some point a girl might not respond. Instead of changing the topic or pushing more, instead say something like “dont think too hard now” or “if you’re too nervous, id understand”

The good think about takeaways is that you can double or even tripple stack them. He sends her one more takeaway and this time she responds. Most guys would’ve given up by now, as triple texting is considered a no-no according to a lot of “experts”. I’ve always disagreed with that. It’s 2024, girls have a shit load of options, people live very busy lives, it’s ok to be persistent in an early stage of an interaction. In fact, a lot of girls find it very attractive

Here she once again stops responding. To be fair, his first set of texts here were not amazing. A better response to the “I’m busy” text might have been “Yep, i understand. I run a business so get very busy as well. Im sure we can both find a bit of time if went to :)”

After she finally responds, he introduces the “we” frame (talking about yourself and the girl together). This is also a very effective texting technique and works quite well here. She finally starts investing more in the conversation. Getting a girl to invest over text is half the battle. Next, he starts moving thing forward by suggesting the date.

Notice how she’s apprehensive at first and makes things a bit difficult for him. However, he doesn’t give up and keeps persisting. Yet he’s doing it in a socially intelligent type of way that doesn’t make him appear needy. She even directly points out that he’s persistent. This is a good thing though, women like a man who doesn’t give up. And, she finally, gives in, and agrees to meet up.

Her first text here is a bit cryptic– is she saying she didn’t feel chemistry when they first met up? Well, in this situation it doesn’t really matter since she’s down to meet up. And yes, girls will really drive an hour to go to their favorite vietnamese nail salon.From here, it’s mostly logistics. Due to her level of initial apprehension, inviting her straight to your place would probably blow out the girl. Thus, he does the right thing by inviting her to meet at a bar that’s right near his place.

The grammar here isn’t the best, and I’m not sure what “sexy russian flirting” means exactly, but hey, the date is still on. His “hesitations?” text was unnecessary here, but no harm done. After that we have more logistics .
More logistics. He also does something subtle here that I want to point out. He tells her to park at his place. This means that no matter what, the girl is going to be heading towards your place at the end of the night. Since she’s already there, getting her upstairs becomes even easier.

Another interesting thing here is that she says she never drives this far for a date, and that agreeing to it might’ve been a mistake– but she wants to keep her word. This could mean 2 different things.

  1. She’s an entitled princess who has guys accommodate to her
  2. She comes from a background / country where men are expected to put in most of the work initially. Believe it or not, that’s the culture in most countries, especially the Middle East, where she is from.

They meet up at the bar, he explains afterwards that it took him about an hour to pull her back to his place. She was indeed very inexperienced, but eventually, they wind up having sex that night. Hopefully, you guys found this breakdown valuable.

The big lesson here is that it’s important NOT to give up if the girl isn’t giving you much to work with or being a dry texter. Because, if you’re persistent & have good text game, you can turn it around like this.

If you’re interested in figuring out how good YOUR texting skills are then take our free text game quiz here