How To Date If You Live With Your Parents

A major dating challenge for a lot of guys is their bad logistics, most commonly living with their parents. You typically can’t invite the girl to your place. And a lot of girls don’t like inviting the guy straight to their place on a first date either.

Which makes it a lot harder to get laid from online dating…unless you follow this guide

I’m going to show you everything you need to know about using Airbnb so that can still have a great dating/sex life, despite living with your parents.

Why Airbnb and not a Hotel?

You might be wondering “Why can’t I just book a hotel?”. Let’s go into the reasons why an Airbnb is better than a hotel:

1. The Vibes

This is by far the biggest reason. Let’s put ourselves in the girl’s shoes for a second. You have the date with the guy at the bar, he’s taking you back to “his place”. You arrive, except it’s a hotel. You know who goes with men to their hotel rooms? Prostitutes. She’s going to think to herself “I’m not a prostitute” and get offended, potentially leaving. An Airbnb is much more private than a hotel. You don’t have to walk through a lobby full of people, which makes it more chill

2. The Room

Even though it’s not your home, she doesn’t need to know that. An Airbnb will be a much easier environment for the girl to walk into. A hotel room is jarring and unfamiliar. Most people don’t spend much time in hotel rooms unless they’re on vacation. A hotel room will put her “on alert”, whereas an Airbnb will make her feel more at ease. Especially since you’ll likely have a couch and a bedroom to work with. Some girls put up their walls if you bring them into a bedroom right away. But escalating on the couch is much easier.

3. Setup

The Airbnb will almost certainly have a kitchen and a fridge. You can get yourself some wine and snacks and bring them out when the girl comes over. Conversely, hotels will have maybe a minibar with no glasses or plates. Much more difficult to put out drinks that way. A lot of Airbnbs will also have a smart speaker you can use to play music and set the mood. Hotels won’t have this, so you’d have to bring your own. That’s suboptimal.

Now that I’ve convinced you why an Airbnb is better, let’s get into getting your Airbnb:

Booking the Airbnb

Important note: Before booking you should make sure the girl definitely confirmed for the date. Alternatively, you can schedule dates with multiple girls so if one flakes you have backups. More info on setting up a solid date here.

Booking the right Airbnb is not as simple as it seems. There are several factors you need to consider.

The Filters

A lot of Airbnb listings are a bedroom in someone’s apartment or house.

Those are a no go. It would be an extremely awkward scenario for the girl to pull up and the host is there as well.

You must select “Entire home” on the “Type of Place” filter.

That way it will be just the two of you when she arrives with no chance of interruptions or awkward conversations. For booking options, the 3 you need to focus on are: · Instant book · Self Check In · Free Cancellation

Instant book:

This means that you can book the Airbnb as soon as you hit submit on the booking. No chance of it getting snapped up by someone else or having your booking rejected by the host. If the place doesn’t have this option, then the host will have to accept your booking before it’s confirmed.

In that case, there will be a little box where you have to give a reason for your trip. Say “ Hi {Host’s name}. I’m in town for a last minute work trip and need a place to stay.”. That’s all you need to say.

Self Check In:

Self Check In means you don’t have to interact with the host to get into the place. 99% of the time they will send you a code to a lock box at the property. Enter the code and the keys will be inside. I recommend this option so you can check in whenever you want and not have to depend on the host’s schedule. It’s not the end of the world if you have to meet the host to get the keys. Just reiterate you’re there for a last minute work trip and need a place to crash. Don’t say you’re bringing a girl over.

Free Cancellation:

If you’ve set up a solid date with the girl you shouldn’t need to cancel, but life happens. Most Airbnb’s will have your check in time in the early afternoon on the check in date (12-3pm) and the latest you can cancel while still getting a full refund is 24 hours before.

If you cancel with less than 24 hours notice, some will keep all your money or some will have a partial refund if you cancel 12 or so hours before. Each one is different, so take a look at your booking but more importantly, make sure to get as much investment from the girl as possible.


This largely depends on where you live. Ive gotten Airbnb’s as cheap as $50 a night and up to $200 a night. Here’s a pro trick, you can reach out to the host and politely request a bit of a discount. Around 25% or so is reasonable. Half the time it works


You want to book something close to where you live to cut down on the travel time the day of the date. If you’re booking at the last minute, you might have to get something a little farther away. Don’t book an Airbnb in a sketchy neighborhood. It should be somewhere the girl will feel comfortable traveling to and walking around outside. If you’re meeting her at a bar first, you need to choose someplace in walking distance of the bar (more on that in a minute).


All you need is a bed and a bathroom. I once took a girl to a 500 square foot place where we walked in and there was a bed, a bathroom and a TV. Still closed.

Make sure you buy condoms, some wine, maybe some snacks. Nothing expensive, a $15 red or white wine will work. Get to the place early and set everything up. Put condoms in the nightstand, by the couch, wherever you could be hooking up with the girl. Now you know what to do when booking the place.

Here are the different scenarios you could be dealing with in terms of the girl:

Scenario #1:

She’s DTF over text, this is your first date, she’s down to come straight to “your place”

The standard PWF “wine on my romantic balcony” scenario. If you’ve sexualized and she’s good to come straight over, just give the address and don’t mention anything else. If the girl asks if this is your place, don’t say “I booked an Airbnb for us” as this will make her feel like a prostitute. You can say that it’s your friend’s place and he’s out of town, or your place is being fumigated. Plausible deniability is your friend here.

Offer her some wine when she arrives and run normal closing at the house game. More info on that here

There is a chance she flakes on you due to anti-slut defense (ASD). This is why you might want to consider stacking multiple girls as insurance. If neither one of them cancel, wait until they’ve both confirmed then go with the hotter one.

Scenario #2:

She wants to meet in public first, but you still want to close on the first date

This scenario is a little more tricky. If you tried to invite her straight over and she wants to do a public date, you would need to book an airbnb that’s a short walk from the bar. Close as in walking distance, no more than 15 minutes (ideally less than 10). Do not book something where you have to drive from the venue to the Airbnb.

Pro tip: you can feel out how dtf she is by responding “we can meet at a bar first, if you’d feel more comfortable”. The underlying frame is that if all goes well you will be going back to your place

If you do book the Airbnb and you are having the date and everything is going well, make sure you escalate at the bar. Build sexual tension, turn her on, make out a bit then pull her back to yours while the tension is high. To pull, say to her “Let’s go have a drink somewhere else” and lead to your place. If she asks where, say you don’t want to spoil the surprise, but you know she’ll love it.

Start walking to the Airbnb and don’t let there be any awkward silence. Shoot the shit, ask her about herself, just keep the convo going. Feel free to stop at one point and make out some more

When you arrive, just act cool. Don’t make a big deal out of it and treat the situation as if she was back to your place. How comfortable she is will almost entirely come down to the vibe and how good your game is. Worst case scenario you can just part ways.


Whichever scenario you’re in, once you’re inside with the girl, make sure she’s completely comfortable. Give her the tour, offer her some wine, ask her what music she likes and play some. This will make her more at ease. Remember when escalating: two steps forward, one step back.

And lastly, before you check out, make sure the place is neat and tidy. Don’t leave any used condoms in the garbage. Throw out the garbage on your way out. Take your wine and snacks as well.

I hope you guys find this guide helpful. In our mastermind community, we have dozens of guys who are regularly getting laid despite living with their parents.

If you want to join them and/or skyrocket your dating results in general, then check out our highly rated course. It will show you how to get a lot more matches that are also a lot more attractive. How to become a pro at texting. And everything else you need to get laid on the first date. (Click link below for full list of bonuses)

In addition, this will get you access to our exclusive mastermind group where I will personally answer all your dating questions and help you get real results fast!

**Guest post by Emmett Suhanic