Getting A Date With The Most Difficult Girl Ever (Texting masterclass)

In this love report, I’m going to break down one of the most impressive text interactions ever. You will see how the guy (our mastermind member) was able to overcome flaking, ghosting, and every other challenge out there. 

You will be able to apply the lessons and strategies here to help you with any girl who is not responding or being difficult.

Here is a photo of the girl in case you were curious. As you can see, she is obviously very attractive. Generally speaking, the hottest girls on dating apps tend to be more difficult because they have so many guys hitting them up. This is why it’s essential to be able to correctly persist if you’reyou’re going for the top girls.

This is a very standard low investment hot girl. She likes his first message . His reengagement text is really good and something everyone can use for when the girl doesn’t respond to your opener.

She replies but then quickly drops off again so he hits her with a great takeaway. You can also use this whenever a girl is being a bad texter. Just make sure to wait at least a few days before double texting.

She is now starting to invest a bit more into the conversation, which is a good sign. In situations like this, you definitely want to build some investment before going for the close, otherwise she’ll flake.

His “so give me the basics” text is a great way to build some of that early investment. She follows up by asking a “buying” question. “What are you looking for?” His response is solid, the only thing I might do is add a bit of spice to it and add “maybe some kinky sex & cuddles if the vibe is right” at the end.

She agrees to the soft close but then drops off right after he asks for her phone number. He uses another good takeaway, which, most of the time, will work. However, here it doesn’t, so he waits a week and completely reengages.

It is ok to triple text as long as you wait a week or more and don’t say anything needy. In the most extreme cases you may even need to quadruple text. Being persistent is sexy, being needy is not.



He starts rebuilding investment while also hinting at the date. She, once again, is not giving him that much to work with. At this point, there is no point in trying further to build investment since the girl has made it clear that she’s not interested in texting a lot.

The only thing you can do is bring it back to the date. There are some girls who are super cold over text, but then, very warm and chatty in person.


He goes for the soft close, again, which is important. Guys wonder if they have to redo the close in situations like this, the answer is yes. Especially if over a week has passed.

The one thing I would’ve done differently is just hearted her last message. This way when I follow up in a week, it’s not a double text.

He waits a week and goes for the soft close again. I might’ve said “hey, still interested in meeting up” This puts the ball in her court more and forces investment. She doesn’t respond so he sends a funny GIF of a guy talking to a wall. This is something I encourage you guys to steal.

He waits another 5 days and asks her if she’s back in town yet. He goes for the soft close again and she hearts his message. I would’ve probably used the takeaway “ah, 2024, where a heart counts as a response.”

Once he tries to hard close she drops off again and then doesn’t respond to his takeaway. I would personally respond with an even harsher takeaway like “I genuinely didn’t take you for the flakey type.” But who knows, maybe his text was better here.


She finally replies and presents a typical hot girl problem. You might be thinking “well, gee, couldn’t you have just taken an uber” but some girls will expect you to offer solutions for these basic problems of theirs.

This is something he does. He goes for the hard close again and she gives him a wishy washy answer. He does the right thing by putting the ball in her court to commit , which she does (sort of).


Finally the date is set. At this point, he definitely needs to move it to text. This adds an additional layer of investment that will lower the girls chance of flaking.

There is an interesting argument to be made that perhaps he should’ve gotten her number much earlier on. He did try once, but perhaps, he should’ve focused more on the # rather than the date. Personally, I would disagree.

From here, it’s primarily logistics. No need to do more banter as having a text convo with this girl is cruel and unusual punishment.

Once the girl gives you her address, then you know for sure that she’s going to show up. After that, you just need to coordinate logistics.


As you can see from the text, either he’s a vampire or they have sex. One interesting thing is that her level of investment still seems very low. From my personal experience with girls like this, typically, once you bang them, they become more responsive. But she might be the exception.


Overall, this was an impressive feat of persistence and determination. His texting was also extremely solid all throughout. Most girls will not be this difficult. However, if you wanna get the hottest girls on dating apps you will have to learn this kind of stuff.
