Cute Bi Nerd Threesome Fail Tinder LR
We matched on tinder and I messaged her with my standard opener.
After a few Its Always Sunny in Philadelphia jokes, I established that she was looking to hook up. Nice and Straightforward. I gave her my number and said to text me.
I wasn’t initially planning on positioning this as a threesome, but after she wrote “I like three-ways” I decided to roll with it. I knew my regular booty call was open to experimenting and I was happy to facilitate. My tinderella jumped on the idea and we set it up for the following Saturday. Unfortunately the booty call girl got “sick” the night of. I am pretty sure it was cold feet though.
Tinderella turned out to be a champ and wound up coming over anyway. She was a little cuter then her pictures. There was no awkwardness, she was very comfortable and open with her sexuality (originally from Europe I found out). We sat on my bed and talked about kinks, porn, and bdsm. She loved curvy blonde girls and we found a porn that appealed to both of us. We sat on my bed watching it. About half way through, we started going at it. Choking, hair pulling, biting she was down with all of it.