Text Game
How To Make A Girl Chase You Over Text
In this guide I am going to show you the art of making women chase you over text. You will see a real life example of how I was able to get a girl who was barely interested to start chasing me. The backstory here is that I met this girl from cold approach at…
Read MoreThe Best Tinder Opener In 2025
I was recently doing research on the best dating app openers in 2025 and discovered a gem. Here it is: “Your dad would absolutely hate me” It’s polarizing, but it definitely gets the girls attention… which is what you need nowadays to stand out from the hundreds of other guys messaging her. I think the…
Read MoreHow To Get Laid With HOT Girls On Dating Apps
A lot of guys ask us, how do i get the really hot girls on Tinder or Bumble? In this article we are going to share a real life example of a guy from our mastermind group who was able to hook up with an insanely attractive girl off Bumble. We’re gonna show you the…
Read MoreHow To Text Girls Better (Beginner To Advanced Transformation)
In this guide, we are going to show you how a guy was able to massively improve his text game. How he was able to go from horrible texting that got him left on read to being able to get a girl over in 24 hours. Plus, all the screenshots from start to finish. This…
Read MoreHow To Smoothly Ask A Girl Out Over Text
In this article we’re gonna show you how to smoothly text a girl and get a date. This real life example comes from one of our mastermind members and will demonstrate almost perfect text game. This will teach you banter, sexualization, and how to sleep with a girl five inches taller than you! He uses…
Read MoreGetting A Date With The Most Difficult Girl Ever (Texting masterclass)
In this love report, I’m going to break down one of the most impressive text interactions ever. You will see how the guy (our mastermind member) was able to overcome flaking, ghosting, and every other challenge out there. You will be able to apply the lessons and strategies here to help you with any girl…
Read MoreHow To Make A Girl Interested Over Text
In this article, we are going to show you what to do if you get a girl’s number but she is being a very dry texter and barely responding. Essentially, how do you make a girl more interested over text so you can ultimately get a date. To illustrate this, we will be breaking down…
Read MoreHow To Text A Girl: Sexualizing & Overcoming Objections
In this article you’re going to learn how to text a girl, sexualize the conversation, and overcome all her objections to get the date. We will be breaking down a real life tinder conversation that led to the guy getting laid. In case you were wondering, this is what she looks like. Now with that…
Read MoreHandling Objections Over Text: A Complete Guide
Handling Objections Over Text: A Complete Guide “I don’t do hookups.” “I don’t know you well enough to sleep with you.” “I’m not coming to your home.” Objections like these are inevitable when you’re doing online game. In this guide, we are going to go through how to handle these objections – which, when done…
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