Big Tit Colombian Tinder LR
This was the Second Girl I hooked up with during my Ten Day Pilgrimage to Colombia.
She tried to reschedule a few hours beforehand, saying she had some kind of practice. I replied back with my standard “no worries, but next time I might have to spank you a little” line… She immediately wrote that she was actually available… Good sign (whether she really did become available last minute or just got excited at the idea of a spanking, I didn’t ask).
I showed up to the cafe and she wasn’t there.
This became a pattern during my time in Medellin. Unfortunately, most girls here have adopted the Los Angeles dating practice of showing up at least 20 minutes late… I Messaged her and no response. Fuck, I started thinking she was going to flake. Then, I got a message saying she’ll be there soon. A few minutes later I see a car pull up and she gets out. She is short, 5″1 or so, has a cute face, but is wearing a sweatshirt type thing so I can’t really tell if she has a nice body or not.
I give her a confident hug. Her English is good and she is quite sassy from the start. The coffee shop where we met had just closed and she starts asking me… Where should we go? Why didn’t you check the time How do you not know the city? I learn she grew up in Florida and definitely caught the American Latina feistiness.
She insists that I follow her to a bar she knows.
Along the way, she finds out I don’t drink beer (Paleo diet) and tries to give me shit for it. I’m am completely unreactive. We get to her bar and it is closed… karma can be a bitch. I suggest shots at my place, but she declines. I see a bar down the street and lead her there.
We sit down. She gets a beer and I get a shot of tequila. The conversation is all over the place. She alternates between making fun of me for not having any of her beer and asking questions about life in America. It feels like she is always testing me. I’m pretty chill though, I can’t even tell if she is worth fucking with the sweatshirt thingy….Yes, I am all about the body.
We talk about dating in Colombia. She tells me that she prefers foreigners, because Colombian guys are insanely controlling and jealous… which I can definitely see judging from the looks I’ve gotten day gaming over the past few days. Then she goes back to teasing me for not having any of her beer. This is nothing new to me, I’ve had girls on dates shove pizza in my face, saying “don’t you want some Paleo boy?”… Doesn’t phase me at all
The turning point came about 15 minutes in.
I don’t remember exactly how it came up, I must have said something sexual. She looks at me with a blank face and says “pull my hair”…I hesitate very slightly and give it a gentle yank…She says “harder”…I hesitate for another split second and pull harder…”harder!” She says…No hesitation this time as i give it a good yank
She looks straight at me and says “ok now the date is over”…Did i hear her correctly? I hesitate for a split second. Had this been a few years ago and I might have been thrown off. However, my subconscious instinct kicks in. This is the ultimate shit test… she is bluffing.
I look her dead in the eye and say “you like it”
I can see her face melt a little and she says “yea, but you don’t”… I reply “girl you don’t think I wanna pull your hair and slap that big Colombian ass of yours”…She hesitates for second and says “you won’t”… My mind is fully engaged. Sometimes it takes something bizarre moments to pull us fully into the present.
I look her in the eyes and slap her ass. A few people look. I see her face fully melt. I know she Is mine. She puts on her sweet submissive voice, which I later grew to love, and says “no no, not in front of everyone”… I just smile… time to go for the kill… I take her hand under the table and put it on my dick. She playfully protests, but I can tell she loves it.
We sit for another few minutes while she finishes her drink. I feel confident. I know I passed the final shit test. We are 100% going to fuck. I pay and we walk out. She looks at me and says “my place or yours”. I tell her my place. No way am I risking it by going to someone else’s apartment in Colombia.
We walk the few blocks to my Airbnb. She is wearing heels so it takes 15 minutes. Get to my place and go straight to the bedroom. I throw her on the bed and we make out. She starts slowly removing her clothes. I am feeling impatient and grab her tits. This girl has me extremely turned on and I don’t even really know why. She laughs and asks me to slow down a second so she can take her sweater thingy off…holy shit.. her tits are beyond real..
Huge, perky, with just the right size nipples.
I am literally moaning as I am sucking on them and she is moaning from the pleasure… She starts sucking my dick. It feels so fucking good. I let her do it for a minute, before I can’t take it anymore… I throw a condom on and start fucking her. She is tight and her moans are so fucking sexy. She is talking in that sweet submissive voice i heard earlier… and those tits. I last about a minute. Maybe two at most.
I roll off and we lay in bed shooting the shit. She tells me more interesting facts about the dating scene in Colombia. Now that we’ve fucked, I like her more. Maybe it’s just the oxytocin. We fuck again. Usually the second time, I can last as long as I want. However, this time though she gets on top. Those huge tits bouncing in my face and her sexy moaning, I make it maybe an additional minute.
She calls me an asshole, saying she was close to cumming.
I blame it on her big tits. A few minutes later my dick gets hard again. Fuck this rarely happens. Twice is usually my limit. Those fucking tits. This time I fuck her until she cums, squirting all over my sheets. It was really hot, I was choking her the entire time. She is sore and so I pull out and finish all over her huge tits.
Shortly after she bounces. Damn. I wish I could bring these titties back to Los Angeles with me. We both wanted to fuck again, but our schedules kept conflicting and unfortunately I didn’t see her again during the rest of the trip… Just one more reason to go back.