His Story Will Erase ALL Your Dating Excuses (Pickup Motivation)

The Ultimate Motivational Story

If you’re feeling burned out and are trying to get motivated then this is the story for you. It involves a guy with a severe disability who went from paying for hookers to getting a girlfriend. Here is how he did it, in his own words:

The Sad Beginning

Since I was born, I have had cerebral palsy. I walk and talk differently, kinda like a drunk person, even without alcohol. But it wasn’t until puberty, that I started noticing that it’s harder for me to get girls than other guys. Then I saw a family video of myself and my immediate reaction was ”What the fuck, that’s how I walk and talk?”. 

That’s the moment I realized why people always stared at me and my confidence just went downhill from there. I always kept trying to get girls but was just getting rejection after rejection. But now and then, there was a girl that liked me, and I would eventually self-sabotage it with my insecurity. Even asking the girl shit like “Do you not mind dating a guy with a disability?”. We all know how fast a lack of confidence dries up a girl’s pussy. 

I finished school and then dropped out of college after the 1st year. I started with a low-paying IT job, as computers were the only thing I was good at. Hopeless with my future and girls, I then just gave up and turned to alcohol and hookers 

At 25 I was introduced to a business venture and personal development, which gave me hope for the future, that’s when I stopped drinking every day. From 25 until 29, I started watching YouTube videos and reading books on how to get girls, as another form of personal development. But none of the content really helped me. So of course, I’ll just keep fucking hookers until I figure it out. Tried dating apps, but only got maybe 1 match a week, etc. 

The Transformation

At 29 years old, I finally discovered Playing With Fire whose content resonated with me and I remember my first response was “holy fuck, I think I finally found someone who can help me”. No bullshit and feel-good content, but REAL tangible advice and actions. Its actually more simple then i thought

Step 1: Get good photos and create a great online dating profile. 

Step 2: Learn how to text and convert the matches to dates. 

Step 3: Learn how to run dates to close. 

This just resonated with me immediately and I finally believed “Fuck yeah, I can do this shit”. I reached out to Alex for coaching and of course, it was a game changer. Following his advice, I went from 1 match a week to 5 matches a day. 

I got my grooming in check with a skin-fade haircut every 2 weeks. As I also started getting better and better with texting through Playing with Fire’s content, I started getting a minimum of 1 date a week. That was fucking awesome. Step 1: check, step 2: check.

Now it’s time to learn how to run dates effectively. For 6 months, I couldn’t get close even 1 girl. Sometimes only a make-out, but I kept running into LMR after LMR. But I knew I just had to stay calm and analyze every date on what went wrong and how I could do better with the next girl. 

After 6 months of failed dates, but improving little by little with every date, the next girl came over and we had a good date, but still no luck. But I at least kissed her goodbye. By that time my immediate reaction was “Whatever, next girl” and i just went on to try to set up more dates with my other matches. 3 days later the Sunday morning, she texted me and I then proceeded to set up a second date. I thought “fucking finally, this is the night”. 

She came over and because at that point I had even more confidence in myself, because I knew exactly why she was there, I finally closed successfully. After that, I set up another date 2 days later for dinner, then went back to my place again afterward, so I could turn her into a regular, and then 2 days after that again. After the 4th date, we agreed to see each other every Thursday night. After 4 months, she asked me if we could take things further. Then I asked her to be my girlfriend, and she said yes. So, then I decided to practice my relationship skills.

How He Got A Girlfriend

Of course, from all the content I’m consuming, I knew that the keys to a long-lasting relationship are confidence, communication, respect, adventure, and fucking your girl really well, so she’ll be addicted to you. We’ve been together for 2 years already, we moved in together this year and the honeymoon phase is still there. 

How did I do it? Well first, we didn’t get complacent. To this day, we greet each other with a warm kiss every time one of us comes home after work, etc.  But most importantly, I stayed confident in myself. I didn’t even ask her the insecure question “Do you not mind dating a guy with a disability?”, because I’m confident in myself and I know she chose me above all the other guys that she matched with. 

But I also know that I can get more girls if she decides to leave me, so I’m not a needy bitch. And she can fucking feel that shit in my presence. Communication is key. We both agreed that we should speak up if any of us have any concerns, instead of just staying silent so that we can sort it out immediately together. But she still knows that I won’t put up with any shit and that we should always treat each other with respect. 

We don’t always only stay in the room, we go out and do shit together, whether it be grocery shopping, walking around in the mall, going to the beach, theme parks, and bars, now and then we go out and do something outside together. This year for my birthday, we went to Oman for a small vacation with my family and we had so much fun. And lastly, fuck your girl well, enjoy the foreplay, eat her pussy until she cums in your mouth, and explore new shit together. So many girls get sexually frustrated because their boyfriend or husband is selfish and shit in bed. Don’t be one of them.

In addition, She even cleans our apartment, but even cleaned my place before we moved in together, does my laundry and even cooks for me. Not because she has to, but because she wants to. All of this combined turned the tables and made her ask me “Please, don’t leave me”.

Just a final thought that I realized recently for some more perspective. Look at the 2 photos below. The first photo was the insecure little bitch I was before, no fucking wonder I wasn’t getting any girls. And the second photo is me now. Investing in myself was the best choice I have ever made 

.   VS. 


Lets be honest, everyone has a different starting point in life, some people are dealt a worse hand, but this guy started lower than we would’ve imagined. He had to overcome obstacles we didn’t know existed. Everyone has their excuses. Yet, most of the guys who complain about girls are physically healthy and take that for granted in addition to living in a first world country. If this guy was able to overcome the mountain of obstacles through massive perseverance and dedication, then so can you!


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