Online Dating Success For Older Men

Can older men succeed on dating apps?

This is the question we set out to answer in our mind blowing Bumble experiment. A lot of older men worry about being “too old” for online dating, so we wanted to show them that their situation might be a lot better than they thought.

Bumble experiment details:

We used my dad, who is a 55 year old bald Russian man, and picked his best photos. Then, we applied a very mild amount of FaceApp and created the profile for him. Here is what it looked like.


We let this profile run for 48 hours in Miami and the results surpassed our wildest expectations. During that time, he got over 200 likes. Most of the women were in their late 40s or 50s, however, there was also at least a dozen girls who were in their 30s, and a few even in their 20s. You can see the proof below.



Next, we wanted to see if he would be able to turn some of these matches into dates with very basic text game. So we messaged around 20-30 of the girls he matched with to see how down they are for an older man. With minimal work, we were able to get about 5 girls to agree to a date (keep in mind, the majority of girls we didn’t even message). Here are some examples.


Girl #1

Very cute blonde girl. Convo was super straight forward. Asked her about her day, playfully suggested a date, and got her #. One interesting thing to observe is that she threw in “no dick pics,” which was a message that kept being repeated. I guess there is something about older guys and sending unsolicited dick pics.


Girl #2

A nice MILF with big tits. Once again, the convo is very straight forward (older women play less games). Asked her about her day, suggested a date, and then got her phone number. This is very simple text game that anyone can do.


Girl #3

This one is interesting because she starts off the conversation by just calling him. Like I said, older women are A LOT more straight forward. They know what they want and don’t want to waste any extra time on BS. We respond with some basic banter, she sends a selfie, as you can see, she’s definitely flirting back hard. A few more texts and we get her number.

The Verdict

Being successful is not only possible for older men, but can be quite easy if you know what you’re doing. Here are the big lessons:

  1. Actually get good photos— My dad’s weren’t anything special, but they were definitely still better than what the average 50+ year old guy is still posting. Also, make sure you have activity photos, which show you have a life. In my dads case, it was a fishing and boat photo (which is something he loves).
  2. Don’t let yourself go— If you ask my dad for dating advice, he’ll say the reason he was able to be successful after his divorce was because he never let himself go and continuously went to the gym. Most guys, after 40, stop caring about their body. They don’t work out and eat all kinds of crap. This is why, if you’re in good shape like my dad, you can massively stand out (much more so than a fit guy in his 20s and 30s ).
  3. Don’t be creepy— For some reason a lot more of the older women were saying “no dick pics.” The only possible conclusion is that older guys are more likely to send random photos of their junk. This is, of course, a great way to wind up alone. In addition to not sending photos of your junk, you don’t want to be weird or awkward over text.
  4. Learn basic text game— As you guys saw in the examples, it’s not that hard. You just need to be able to banter a little bit, maybe make a joke, and move things forward.


In conclusion, if you’re a guy in your 40s or 50s– don’t despair. Your competition sucks and, if you follow the rules I mentioned, you can do very well on dating apps, like Bumble. You may have thought your best days are behind you, but it could actually be the opposite.

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